Gardiner, Larry (Age 80, Mitchell)

Published on 22/3/2024

Larry Gardiner died with dignity in his 80th year at the Rotary Hospice of Stratford.   He will be missed by his daughters Lisa, Leanne and Jo, and son-in-law Jai Sachdev. Missed by his grandchildren Lucius, Ember, Vikram, Otto and Sonia and his companion Shelly Hunsburger.  He was predeceased by his wife Alice and his son Steven.  He was a cherished uncle to many.  Larry will be missed by his sisters and brothers, Shirley Bearss, Barb & Jim Parnell, Ron Gardiner, Brenda Gardiner, and Rob & Pat Gardiner and his sister-in-law Caroline McGhee and brother-in-law Ken Walker.  To honour and celebrate Larry’s life, there will be a public informal gathering at the Lockhart Reception Centre, Mitchell on Sunday, March 24th from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Click HERE to read full obituary. 

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