Riley Green (Photo by Jeremy Cowart)
Riley Green’s Mind Wanders When He’s On Stage
Riley Green has been guilty of letting his mind wander on stage when he’s performing.
It happens to everybody at some point, but Riley has learned the importance of doing what he can to make sure he has a somewhat clear mind before he steps on stage every night.
“It’s a crazy thing, because when I used to just play a couple of shows a week, I had plenty of time to get everything else off my mind. And now you’re so busy, there’s so much travel. I mean, you spend a day on two flights, do a couple of interviews and then go play a show and do a couple of meet and greets, and it’s hard to really get focused. I remember playin’ a festival in Alabama and forgetting some words. There’s 30-something thousand people there. And it wasn’t very noticeable, you know, it was a couple of lines and I think I mumbled through ‘em. But one of my old football coaches from college was there and he told me, he said, ‘Man, it’s just like a football game. You gotta take some time to yourself before the show and kinda get your mind in the right state.’ When I was doing construction work I could do that and kind of just get through the day. But you can’t do that doing this, you gotta make sure you got your mind right.”