Justin Moore (Photo by Cody Villalobos)
Justin Moore Talks Musical Influences
Justin Moore has always been one of the more traditional-sounding artists in country music.
But a lot of that has to do with the guy who probably influenced him the most, Hank Williams, Jr.
As weird as it sounds, Justin thinks Hank Jr. is sometimes underrated as an artist.
“He was kinda like the Elvis Presley of the music that I wanted to make. And he was huge at the time that I was growin’ up learnin’ to love country music. He played every instrument, he wrote his songs, and he sang about how I was growin’ up and all that stuff. And for all the awards and accolades he’s gotten over the years, I do think he’s been overlooked at the same time, which sounds ridiculous when you think of all the things that he’s done and won and all the huge hits he’s had. But I don’t think people realize how talented he is. There’s not a guy in country music history who’s had a better vocal range, low to high, period. There’s not been an artist who’s been a better musician overall than him, ever, in the history of country music. There’s not been a better songwriter ever in the history of country music, in my opinion. And he deserves all the credit that he can get for his artistry.”