Luke Bryan (Photo courtesy of UMG Nashville)

Luke Bryan Performed With His Zipper Down

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Luke Bryan was performing with his zipper down for a good part of the show last week in Orlando, Florida.

He was singing “That’s My Kind of Night” when someone in the crowd finally let him know.

He stopped singing, zipped it up,  and then put his hands on his hips like he was disgusted with EVERYONE.

The music was still playing so he said, quote,

“Hold on. Shh. . . . Stop. My zipper has been down the whole time.”

He thanked the person who told him, and then ripped into the rest of the crowd, saying,

“Why didn’t none of you tell me?”

To watch the video, CLICK HERE. (Warning: the video contains language)

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