Dolly Parton (Photo by Stacie Huckeba)
What Makes Dolly Parton Mad?
It’s hard to picture, but Dolly Parton does get angry once in a while.
Her brilliance is that she’s so sweet, the anger stands out and people snap to attention.
This came up during an appearance on “Talk Shop Live” with Nancy O’Dell.
“I’m a businessperson [and] sometimes you’ve just kind of gotta pitch a fit to get it done or get it done right. Or if somebody’s messing with my family or messing with my work. Like I’ve always said, I’ll tell ya where to put it if I don’t like where you got it. I think anybody’s like that. You can’t just go through life just floating around getting anything done. I don’t LOSE my temper, but I USE my temper.”
Another thing that upsets her is NOT being taken seriously.
“Sometime it IS for an effect because some people just won’t listen.”