Jelly Roll (Photo courtesy of BBR Music Group)

Jelly Roll Grants A Cancer Patient’s Dying Wish

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Jelly Roll is known for being great with fans, and this story really proves it.

A 65-year-old woman in Nashville named Suzanne Durham has terminal cancer and posted a video this month saying her dying wish was to just meet Jelly Roll and see him perform.

There’s a charity called the James Bess Foundation, which is like Make-a-Wish, but for adults.

They helped Suzanne get his attention.

The charity posted a clip of Jelly and his wife Bunnie XO showing up to meet her and do a mini-concert for her and her friends.

Bunnie posted a video later and talked about why they immediately said yes to the request.

She said it was a chance to do something nice for someone who, quote, “spent her entire life trying to help other people.”

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