Jason Aldean (Photo by Joseph Llanes)

Jason Aldean Hits #1 Despite Controversy

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

There’s nothing better than a national controversy to get people to notice your music.

All the screaming about Jason Aldean’s “Try That in a Small Town” is turning it into a huge hit.

As of Wednesday evening, it was Number One on the iTunes Top Songs and Music Videos charts and has racked up over 3.8 million Spotify streams.

It was also the Top Trending Video on YouTube when we checked last night.

Chances are the song would’ve been a hit anyway, but the recent surge is definitely giving it a push, and that’s an opinion shared by Blanco Brown.

“Aldean’s streams are gonna go through the roof.”

Blanco’s post condemned the message, but NOT the messenger.

“I hate the words to that song, but I don’t believe he’s a racist. [He] was one of the first to check on me in my time of need. Just bad songwriting.”

Blanco has since removed that Tweet and replaced it with this.

Wednesday’s “CMA Fest” had Jason’s performance of the song, and the reviews were, you guessed it, mixed.

Some fans called it the “best thing on TV that night” while others said it was a “disgrace” to country music.

There’s also a spoof making the rounds from Adeem the Artist. It’s called “Sundown Town”, which is a reference to cities or towns back in the day that practiced a form of racial segregation by excluding non-whites.

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