Jason Aldean (Photo by Brian Higbee)

Jason Aldean Ends Concert Early Because Of Heat Exhaustion

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Jason Aldean rushed OFF stage after 20 minutes of performing in Hartford, Connecticut on Saturday, July 15.

The audience was confused, and there were rumours about what happened, but he cleared it up in a video.

He was golfing all day Saturday, which took a lot out of him. And then the heat ON stage was super intense, which made it worse.

He tried to power through it but knew something was wrong, and that’s when he realized he needed to get off stage.

He was given an IV that night and then again yesterday.

It turns out he was suffering from dehydration and heat exhaustion. It was NOT heat stroke as some sources had reported.

He was cleared to do his show last night in Saratoga Springs.

He also apologized for cutting the Hartford show short and promised to make it up to the fans.

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