Hailey Whitters -Photo courtesy of Big Loud)

Hailey Whitters Was Once Miranda Lambert’s Body Double

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

If you think Hailey Whitters and Miranda Lambert look alike, you’re not the first to say it.

Hailey was recently asked if the two have ever met, and she had an epic story about meeting Miranda a decade ago.

Before she was famous, Hailey worked at a hair salon in Tennessee, and she was walking to work one day when a director stopped her on the street and asked if she was free to be in a video the next day.

She was supposed to work but said she’d ask her boss for the day off, and when she walked back out of the salon, Miranda was there too.

It turned out the director wanted her to be Miranda’s body double in her music video for the song, “Fastest Girl in Town”.

That’s where they use someone else’s body in shots that don’t show your face.

Miranda looked at her and said,

“Well, if she’s gonna play me, I’m glad she’s CUTE!”

So they hired her. If you don’t remember the video, it’s the one where Miranda and Danica Patrick steal a guy’s car.

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