Jimmie Allen (Photo by John Shearer)

Jimmie Allen Being Sued By Former Manager

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Jimmie Allen’s former day-to-day manager filed a lawsuit yesterday claiming he raped her.

She’s listed as “Jane Doe” in the lawsuit, but she’s in her 20s, graduated from Vanderbilt in 2019, and it was her first job out of college.

She says that over the course of 18 months, he forced himself on her multiple times, including on two different trips to L.A.

He’s not facing criminal charges right now, she’s just suing him.

He put out a statement admitting they had an affair but claims in a statement that it was consensual.

“It is deeply troubling and hurtful that someone I counted as one of my closest friends, colleagues, and confidants would make allegations that have no truth to them whatsoever.”

He added the affair lasted almost two years and it was only after things ended that she, “hired a lawyer to reach out and ask for money.”

Her lawyer claims that didn’t actually happen.

They say they asked to, quote, “meet to discuss Allen’s behaviour and resolution of [their] client’s claims,” but they never specifically asked him to pay her off.

She’s also suing her former employer, Wide Open Music, and its founder for supposedly firing her after she complained.

“Variety” magazine got access to hundreds of her texts with Jimmie and other people, and say the texts do “corroborate parts of her story.”

His label, BBR Music Group, suspended him Thursday. In a statement they said,

“In light of today’s allegations against Jimmie Allen, BBR Music Group has decided to suspend all activity with him, effective immediately.”

Jimmie announced last month that he and his wife Lex, who’s pregnant with their third kid, were separating.

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