Cover art for Dolly Parton’s “Rockstar” album. (Courtesy of

Dolly Parton Turned Down The Presidential Medal Of Freedom… Again

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Dolly Parton has now turned down the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom twice!

She was offered by former U.S. president Donald Trump, and according to “The Today Show’s” Jacob Soboroff, she also said no to current U.S. President Joe Biden.

They didn’t discuss why, but they did talk about her new rock song “World on Fire”.

One lyric is, “Greedy politicians present and past. They wouldn’t know the truth if it bit ’em in the ass.”

So Jacob asked her what politicians she was talking about.

“All of ’em. Any of em. I don’t think any of ’em are trying hard enough. They worry more about their party than they do about the people. If we do what we felt was the right thing, rather than who’s gonna lose, who’s gonna win, who’s gonna look better if they do this, rather than working from the heart.”

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