Chris Janson (Photo by David Bradley)

Chris Janson Failed Music Class As A Kid

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Chris Janson is one of those people who seems to get along with everybody.

But in a recent interview, he was asked to name someone he doesn’t like, and he had to reach back a bit to find somebody.

 “When I was a kid, I was in music class, and I flunked music. This is going to blow you away . . . the music teacher told me I was stupid. She used the word stupid, because I couldn’t read music, and I still can’t to this day.”

Obviously, the teacher’s negativity didn’t stop Chris from pursuing his dream.

But it did help him realize what teachers should NOT do.

“We should be putting creative effort behind [kids] and promoting them in the right way. Not telling them how they can’t do something when they’re impressionable because it’s really depressing for a kid.

To read the full interview, CLICK HERE.

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