Bailey Zimmerman (Photo by Chris Ashlee)

Bailey Zimmerman’s Musical Career Started When He Lost His Job

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

They say when one door closes, another one opens, and that certainly holds true for Bailey Zimmerman.

He got his start in music after what most would consider an unfortunate circumstance.

“It actually started (with) I got laid off. I strung pipe on the pipeline. I built gas pipelines, you know, all over America, and I’ve done that since I was 18 and I got laid off, and I never looked back from day one I knew I was gonna make it work somehow, someway.”

And make it work, he did! Bailey tops the Billboard chart this week with his second single, “Rock And A Hard Place.”

It follows up his first chart-topper and debut single, “Fall In Love.”

Both songs will be featured on his debut album, Religiously. The Album., due out on May 12th.

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