Tyler Rich (Phoe by Ryan McAleenan)

Tyler Rich Talks About New Single “I Know You Do”

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Tyler Rich’s new song, “I Know You Do,” is a song about everything he does that drives his wife crazy, both good and bad.

And since turnabout is fair play, Tyler was asked what his wife Sabina does that drives him crazy.

“We’re gonna flip it, all right, so the things that Sabina does that drives me crazy. She does not rinse anything before she puts it in the dishwasher. She says it should clean it. You know who cleans it? Me, when I open it up the next morning and nothing that she used the day before is clean at all cause she didn’t rinse it for two seconds. Sabina leaves piles, little piles, and I wish I could say of what, but I can’t even explain it. It’s hotel shampoos and little business cards and change and bobby pins, and piles of just paperwork and mail – who keeps mail? – all over the house. And she calls it organized chaos.”

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