Thomas Rhett Photo by John-Shearer)
Thomas Rhett No Longer Has To Chase Songs
After 10 years in the music business and 20 #1 hits, Thomas Rhett reached a place in his life where he is content with who he is as a person, and comfortable enough to create the kind of music that comes naturally to him.
Thomas is definitely not resting on his laurels or coasting at this point, he’s just more confident about trusting his gut and his creative instincts to make the best music he can make.
“I do feel like I spent a lot of my career trying to chase or trying to be different for the sake of being different. It was authentic, but it was also like, how can I push the boundary enough to where someone will notice that? And I feel like on Country Again: Side A I kinda got to a point, I was like, what do I like to do? What comes naturally out of me? And it really is grabbing a guitar and writin’ ballads about my life. But then there came a point of like, well how do I do that without being boring, you know what I’m sayin’? How do I talk about being a dad that can also relate to a lot of dads in the world, but also makes ‘em laugh and make ‘em smile? And so, the challenge is still there to always be better, but there’s also a part of me that goes, I don’t wanna chase anymore. I don’t wanna try to be somebody else. I don’t wanna try to be somebody that I’m not. I kinda just want to sit down and write songs, and if that song happens to sound a little bit offkilter from the genre, then that’s what it is, you know. But if it happens to hit the nail on the head, then that’s what it was too.”