Carly Pearce (Photo by Allister Ann)

Carly Pearce Takes Her Cat For Walks

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Carly Pearce loves to run, but back during quarantine, she got a lot of walking in because of a very unlikely walking companion.

“I have some animals. I have Johnny and June, we got Retta Lynn – Loretta Lynn, you know, but she goes by Retta – and then we also have Emmylou the cat. I found during quarantine when I was staying with my parents in Alabama, she likes to be walked. And about 3 o’clock every day she would literally like, look at the door, like, ‘Are you gonna walk me?’ And she’s huge. She’s so fat. Her fat hangs to the ground. And I would take her and put her on a leash, and she would just walk down the road, and wanted to walk.”

Meanwhile, may have bribed a cop.

She shared a wild story on Twitter, in a now-deleted video post, where she said:

“I’m gonna tell you about the time that I had a warrant out for my arrest”. She went on to describe receiving a large fine for speeding and how eventually she “bartered my way to pay the ticket and give (the officer) tickets to my show.”

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