Chase Rice Has Pet Bison, And Kenny Chesney Gifted Him A Tractor
It’s a good thing Chase Rice owns a lot of land because his pets need it.
CMT’s “Hot 20” visited his Nashville farm recntly, and when he opened a bag of feed, his herd of bison came trotting in for lunch.
He said,
“During quarantine, I had all this land, but I didn’t have any of the fencing. I thought about cattle. Didn’t really want to do that. I love bison. I love the west. [These] are my pets. It’s weird. I get that. But they’re awesome.”
They also got a look at Chase’s Kubota tractor, which was a SURPRISE gift from Kenny Chesney as a thank you for being on his tour.
“Kenny calls me over to his house the day before we played in Detroit . . . and we’re sitting there drinking wine, and I was like, ‘why am I here?’ I’m like, ‘I love you Kenny, but you never invited me over to your place before’ . . . and he took me out to the front of his house, and he had this [tractor] waiting for me.”