Miranda Lambert (Photo by Robert Ascroft)

Miranda Lambert Has Learned How To Be A Better Friend, Daughter, And Wife

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Miranda Lambert and her husband Brendan McLoughlin have a happy marriage, and hopefully, we’ll still be saying that 30 years from now.

In a recent interview with People, Miranda talked about how she’s learned to slow down and stop pushing herself so hard.

“It’s really about balance of life and work for me right now. I’ve gotten way better at doing that than when I was in my early 20s. And I’ve learned that I’m so much better of a friend and daughter, wife . . . I’m a better artist. I’m just better at life when I give myself a little bit of a break.”

Another good thing in Miranda’s life is that her mom Beverly has beaten breast cancer.

She was diagnosed last September, and the family circled around to give her their full support.

“She’s been through a whole lot, but she’s doing really well, and she’s ready to roll. I was able to be with her through the hardest parts. She’s unstoppable. She’s just been so strong and positive through the whole thing.”

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