Luke Combs Photo by Jeremy Cowart)

Luke Combs Wants To Slim Down For His Family

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

There’s a chance we might be seeing less of Luke Combs in the future.

He’s not going away, but he is seriously thinking about dropping a few pounds.

Being a father for the first time makes you think about stuff like that.

He talked about it in an interview with Apple Music.

“This having a kid thing has really messed my head up [in].”

Luke has always been a big guy, which is fine, but it’s been a lifetime issue for him.

“It was always something that’s bugged me . . . especially when you’re younger. [It] like, ‘Man, I just got a horrible genetic dice roll on this thing.’ I’m not trying to say it’s not my fault because it is in a lot of ways. But also, I got to this point where I’m like, man, I’d really love to trim down. And it’s so hard for me to do that.”

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