Lady A (Photo by Hodges Usry)

Charles Kelley Of Lady A LOVED Nirvana Growing Up

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Most of us can probably remember the first time we fell in love with a song or an album, or were mesmerized by a live performance.

Charles Kelley of Lady A was recently reminded of one of his earliest memories of falling in love with music.

“I remember being 10 years old and my oldest brother brought Nirvana Nevermind, their first album, back from college. And he had this little Discman, and when he was gone during the day I would just go up there and listen, cause he probably would’ve gotten mad that I was on his Discman while he wasn’t there. And I vividly remember just sitting and just listening to that album over and over and over again. So, anytime I hear ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit,’ I’m immediately teleported back there in his room, sittin’ on the side of the bed just listening and pushing repeat, repeat. The sound of it blew me away. I don’t know how to describe it.”

Whatever it was, Charles will never forget that early impression Nirvana left on him.

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