Carrie Underwood Stumped By Son’s Halloween Costume

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Carrie Underwood is getting ready for Halloween.

However, she’s run into some issues when it comes to a costume for her son Isaiah.

He wants to be the stuffed-with-bugs bad guy “Ooogie Boogie” from Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas, which may land Carrie square behind a sewing machine.

“I’m having some trouble finding that costume, only because it’s for adults. Lord help us if I have to make ‘Ooogie Boogie.’ So, we’re gonna see. Maybe I’ll get a potato sack-type of situation, a burlap sack. Maybe I can make one out of that, I’m not sure. Wish me luck!”

Meanwhile, Isiah is featured on Carrie’s Christmas album “My Gift” singing “The Little Drummer Boy” with his mom!

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