Lee Brice Enjoying The Summer With His Kids

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Normally the summer is a very busy time for country stars, but not this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

But the benefit of that is getting to spend more time with their families.

Lee Brice and his three kids have been making the most of it.

“Honestly, I used to come home for like 24 hours, and try to squeeze in my time with the kids and squeeze in teaching them stuff, and da da da da da. But now, I haven’t had to squeeze it in, I’ve been able to go, ‘Hey, let’s take a few days and learn how to drive daddy’s stick shift, like this [1979] truly gotten some amazing stuff out of it. This might go down as one of the best summers for me, with my children at least.”

Lee and his wife Sara have three kids.

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