Kenny Chesney To Pay Employees In 2020

By: Cheryl Johnstone


Country Music News

Kenny Chesney recently announced that he’s postponing his 2020 Chillaxification Tour until next year, but despite the fact that he won’t be hitting the road this year, he’s still going to pay his employees.

In an interview in the L.A. Times that ran earlier this week that Kenny did before pulling the plug, he was still “confident” he’d be “playing music somewhere” this year.

But with no tour, a lot of his people would take a hit in the pocket, right? Well, not exactly.

“I have 120 employees. Thank God I don’t have to let anybody go this year. “[But] I had to make a decision if I was gonna keep my lifestyle the way it was or if I’m gonna take care of my people.”

Here’s at least one fun moment from the L.A. Times interview, Kenny quietly did a show a couple of months ago, and you’ll never guess where.

“I can’t believe I’m telling you this, but I did a wedding in Florida at the beginning of March. And I don’t play weddings. But it was worth it.”

It wasn’t a relative or close friend either.

“Nope. Just somebody that REALLY wanted me to play his daughter’s wedding.”

CLICK HERE to read the full article.

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